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The Emotional Freedom Technique – A Revolutionary Way to Reduce Stress

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Have you been feeling stressed lately? If so, we have some good news.
There are plenty of ways to relax and lower your stress levels naturally, including essential oils, meditation, hypnosis, and more.

And if you haven’t heard of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), well, now there’s even better news! EFT can help you get rid of any form of anxiety in record time with no side effects—no drugs or needles required! Keep reading to learn more about this revolutionary stress-relief technique and how it works.

The Emotional Freedom Technique – A Revolutionary Way to Reduce Stress

Why EFT Works

EFT is a highly effective method of merging the well-established sciences of Mind Body Medicine and acupuncture without the use of needles. Emotional Freedom Technique has its origins in ancient Chinese medicine and is now being recognized by traditional Western medicine practitioners, primarily for its use as an anesthetic in hospital settings. Emotional Freedom Technique, on the other hand, has been discovered to be a potent method of accessing and eradicating unpleasant emotions in the human psyche.

EFT has been tested by scientists and shown to be an effective treatment for stress relief as well as anxiety, depression, PTSD and other trauma-related conditions. It has also been shown to help with physical pain related conditions such as chronic pain, fibromyalgia, headaches, back pain and more.

It is a technique based on the theory that our bodies are made of energy and that every time we experience a stressful event, a small amount of energy becomes blocked. EFT practitioners use their hands to tap the body’s meridian points to unblock this energy and restore health. The tapping on these points releases negative emotions from the body.

Whereas an acupuncturist may have used needles or an acupressure practitioner may have used deep tissue pressure, those who practice Emotional Freedom Techniques take advantage of their surroundings’ immediacy by “tapping” into their meridian points and essentially breaking a negative emotional path.

How To Do EFT on Yourself

EFT is a form of emotional therapy that helps reduce stress and negative emotions by tapping on meridian points on the face, chest, and hands.
It is typically done in three rounds:

  1. Round One is where you tap on one point while saying a set of affirmations;
  2. Round Two involves tapping on another point while repeating the same affirmations; and
  3. Round Three includes tapping all five points while repeating the affirmations.

Many of the tapping sites that Emotional Freedom Technique practitioners utilize are ones that we naturally use when we are stressed. Consider a recent instance when you had tension, a headache, or intense thought. For the most part, we instinctively reach for the areas of our faces that are above our eyes, at our temples, below our eyes, at the top of our cheekbones, or at the base of our chin.
In essence, the technique makes use of the strategies we typically utilize to reduce stress.

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Emotional freedom techniques are intriguing because, when applied to the appropriate bodily parts, they are effective whether or not the practitioner believes in them. Imagine it as a medical procedure that your primary care doctor would advise you to pursue. Whether you think a medicine can lower your blood pressure or not, the majority of people for whom it is recommended will have positive results from it.

Emotional freedom technique Some call the notion pseudoscientific and assert that it is the product of a cognitive process similar to the placebo effect, in which a person visualizes the desired outcome and uses his or her own willpower to bring it about.

Numerous scientific investigations claim to have discovered both detrimental and good results. It’s interesting to note that the body parts employed by practitioners of the emotional freedom technique are the same ones used for acupuncture and acupressure. The foundation of Emotional Freedom Technique is found in traditional Chinese medicine, which has been in use for thousands of years, despite the fact that scientific study on the use of acupuncture or acupressure has shown a similar degree of variation.

The practice of Emotional Freedom Techniques can help people eliminate pain, lessen food cravings, and remove unpleasant feelings associated with particular events. They are also very simple to learn at home. In essence, those who utilize EFT are infusing kinetic energy into the internal balance of the mind and body and short-circuiting each emotional block.

The usage of Emotional Freedom Techniques continues to expand as more people report notable positive benefits, despite its skeptics and the view of conventional Western medical professionals that the underlying scientific premise is faulty.

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